Consider Supporting The Aspiring Aviators
Thanks to donors like you the Aspiring Aviators Aero Club is able to provide hands-on education to high school students in eastern Polk County, Florida. If you are considering a donation to the Aspiring Aviators we have a few donation options.
Monetary Support
The Aspiring Aviators Aero Club is happy to accept any and all monetary donations in a variety of forms. If you are willing to support the AAAC monetarily please click an appropriate link below.
Mentoring And Sponsorship
The Aspiring Aviators Aero Club is proud to have a tremendous team of mentors and be supported by our invaluable sponsors. If you want to become a mentor or sponsor please fill out the appropriate form below.
In-Person Donations
The Aspiring Aviators Aero Club can accept in-person donations including hangar supplies, tools & equipment, educational material, etc. If you are willing to support please fill out the form below.