Contact Us
Follow us on Facebook: Aspiring Aviators Aero Club, Inc
Follow us on Instagram: aspiringaviatorsaeroclub
Who we are
The Aspiring Aviators Aero Club is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization focused on the education and mentorship of teenagers in East Polk County, Florida. Aviation is the vehicle we use to attract and hold our member’s attention as they learn to become the best possible version of themselves.
Supported entirely by charitable donations of cash, tools, aircraft, and parts, the club is largely populated by students from Winter Haven High School’s Aerospace STEM program. It is open to students from throughout the area however, including those who attend other public schools, private schools, parochial schools, and even homeschool. Any teenager who wants to participate is welcome.
If you would like to arrange a visit to our hangar, or to talk with an officer of the club to learn more about how you might help us accomplish our mission through donations, or to offer yourself as a mentor, or to become a full-fledged member of the club, contact us at: aspiringaviators@gmail.com
The Aspiring Aviators Board
The Board of Directors
President/Chairman - Jamie Beckett
Vice President - Brian Hughes
Treasurer - Jonathan Gauthier
Secretary - Austin Banttari
Board Member - Clarence Clayton